School Governance Team

Clear Creek Middle School believes that only through open, completely transparent action/communication, can we, as a community serve our students in the best manner possible. With that thought in mind, we welcome parent advice and opinion, through our School Governance. This group acts as an advisory board to CCMS Administration, and provides a message link, to our outside school family about the daily happenings/opportunities, taking place at Clear Creek.

The School Governance meets monthly, and discusses topics ranging from finance to curriculum to assessment. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Pike or any of the School Governance members if you feel a particular topic needs to be addressed.

Charter School Governance Team Members

Kristen Thompson- Parent  & Business Representative
  Catherine Weis Parent & Business Representative
Willie Dodaro- Teacher Representative
Sarah West - Chair/Principal

Claudia Penland/ Parent Engagement Partner
Angelia Samples / Academic Coach
Ashlee Jones / Counselor
Hope Henson / Assistant Principal

Meeting Dates

The CCMS SGT will meet on the last Thursday of the month at 10:00am.
Additionally, an afternoon session with an overview of the SGT meeting will be held at 2:30pm on SGT dates.

Meeting Minutes

 Click here to view the minutes of SGT meetings  


 Click here to view the By Laws of the CCMS SGT