Academic Goals


Standards, as designed and approved by the Georgia State Department of Education, drive our daily instruction. We offer a variety of course work in the core content areas of Math, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. We expect our students to be active participants in their learning and complacency is not acceptable. CCMS will provide students performance tasks that will require critical thinking, cooperative/social interaction, time for reflection, and an opportunity to demonstrate mastery.


Clear Creek Middle School Faculty will utilize a wide variety of instructional practices. Students will work independently, cooperatively in small groups, and as integrated large groups. Through differentiated instruction, we strive to use best teaching practices to create opportunities that respond to the needs of diverse learners and solidify foundations essential to better complete career pathways.


It is our belief that students should demonstrate their mastery of learning through a variety of assessments. Students will work on Teacher created classroom-based assessments, departmental benchmarks, project-based demonstrations, and state mandated assessments. The data collected through both formative (Daily/Unit based instruction), and summative assessment will be monitored closely to facilitate the acceleration and remediation process.


Our mission is to promote academic excellence and success for ALL. 


Our vision is to cultivate lifelong learners who enrich their  community by challenging and empowering each student to reach  their full potential in post-secondary, military or workforce.


From our Family-School Engagement Compact 


*By the end of the school year, the district will increase the academic achievement of all students on local and state assessments.

* By the end of the school year, the district will increase the practice and professional capacity of staff members to promote academic achievement.


*By the end of the school year, the percent of Clear Creek Middle School’s developing, proficient, and distinguished achievement levels (as reported on CCRPI) will increase as a result of students moving from beginning to developing learner, developing to proficient learner, and proficient to distinguished learner.


* By the end of the school year, Clear Creek Middle School will establish academic challenging learning environments while intentionally focusing on student accountability.